Hi there!

I’m a freshman at Carleton College, excited to embark on this new chapter of my life. As a first-generation Korean American, I carry with me the dreams and hopes of my family, as the oldest son in a family of seven. My passion for games has driven me to pursue a major in Computer Science, where I hope to turn my love for gaming into a career. Carleton’s commitment to exploring various subjects aligns perfectly with my desire to learn and grow in diverse fields. Ultimately, my goal is to make games and, hopefully, establish my own indie game company. You can address me using he/him pronouns, and I’m looking forward to the exciting journey that lies ahead.

Some of my hobbies are:

  • Gaming
  • Rock climbing
  • Playing the violin
  • Cookin up good ass food
  • Devouring good ass food
  • Listeing to music 24/7
